About Little Rock School District
Little Rock School District and the Connect with Kids Education Network have partnered to provide our entire school community with online access to compelling videos and print resources focused on today’s most important topics that can help build the resilience and self-direction that leads to academic and lifelong success. The videos on this site feature real children and teens sharing their true stories, as well as interviews with parents, educators and health experts. Supporting lesson plans and activities continue the learning in elementary, middle and high school classrooms. For parents, a Family Viewing Guide with facts, tips and suggested “conversation starters” can help parents talk with their kids about these sometimes hard-to-discuss topics.
Videos address topics including student achievement, bullying prevention, character and life skills, digital citizenship, drug and alcohol abuse prevention, health and wellness, and college and career readiness. The video segments range in length from two to eight minutes, and are designed to fit into a busy schedule – at school and at home.